Happy Memorial day! I hope all of you are taking a few minutes today to say a prayer of thanks for all those before and after who have given their lives to allow us to do simple silly things like write a blog. Often we forget the price for even the most minor of rights. To all those who have sacrificed and their families, a heartfelt thank you .
Today my wife and I pounded out 7 over a hilly, close-to-the-house route. We rarely get to run together (kids and schedules) so it was especially fun to share some time with her on the pavement. Often this is a great time to sort out some issues with the kids or just have fun being together. Running has a way of simplifying things and bringing perspective back. It sure is a lot healthier than beer, and less filling! My daughter is out riding her stationary bike right now. Yep...we really do try to practice what I preach. The family that plays together...stays together.
Run long.
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