Okay, I think we can all agree that period cramps are about as fun as the shingles in July, so I will dispense with all the statistics about how common they are blah, blah, blah. And, of course, being a male type person, I have never myself experienced the joy of femalehood; however, I have walked through this demon infested experience with countless women over the past thirty years, so I think I have earned the right to try to help alleviate this burden. In fact, next to trashing a Kardashian, nothing gives me more pleasure than finding a way to get relief for a patient. There are a number of therapeutic options, but I want to focus this post on three “natural” remedies that have been proven to help. I put natural in quotations because I really don’t like to use that term, mainly because no one can agree on what it means. In this instance, I simply mean non pharmaceutical methods. Come on, this is a 500 word post, cut me some slack.
As far as supplements go, the par excellence is omega 3 fatty acids. These anti-inflammatory wonders have been tested in everything from arthritis to menstrual cramps and have proven their pain relieving chops. The key is taking adequate amounts and of adequate quality. Let’s face it, there is a lot of garbage being sold as omega 3 fatty acid supplements including fish oils and borage seed oils, but many either contain little if any of the active ingredient or have so many other impurities it renders them useless. My pick for quality and purity is the brand Omega XL. I have some personal experience with this product and can vouch for its effectiveness. For menstrual cramps I suggest a daily dose, but then pump it up about a week before the period.
Magnesium is kind of like the guy in your office that everyone knows, but no one knows exactly what he does. This mineral is a wonderful muscle relaxer and has been used for years for muscle cramps and GI issues. The uterus is a big muscle, so it only follows that when that bad girl cramps down, which she does on a regular basis during your period, that relieving that would have a beneficial effect…and it does. Be careful however because too much of a good thing might make Sally a sad girl. Excess magnesium can cause diarrhea and may put a damper on a hot date. I recommend 300-400 mg daily about 2-3 days before and during your cycle for relief. Keep in mind this is just a suggestion and your medical history may dictate otherwise. Oh, and if you poop every hour on that dose, I recommend decreasing it.
I know it’s not an herb or mineral but exercise has shown to reduce menstrual cramps in many studies. I realize that exercising on your period is about as fun as a Pamela Anderson film festival, but it really does help. And it doesn’t have to be training for a marathon, a simple brisk walk for 30-45 minutes can keep your baby bag blissful. You’ve all probably heard of the runner’s high, that endorphin rush you get when you exercise like a maniac. Well the same chemicals responsible for this are released at a lower volume with even moderate exercise, and these little buggers have the painkilling ability of morphine! I am not suggesting you spin on an exercise bike for anesthesia during a root canal, but it can definitely help the girl flu.
We tried to get pregnant for a few years in a local clinic. There were no results. We've tried everything possible but nothing. We were recommended to use donor eggs. I know we have to try herbal made medicine. I was terrified. I didn't know how to go about it and where to begin my search. When my friend recommended me to Dr Itua herbal medicine in Western African. I thought she was joking. I knew nothing about that country and I was afraid with shame I must say I thought it was a little bit...wild? Anyway she convinced me to at least check it out. I've done the research and thought that maybe this really is a good idea. Dr Itua has reasonable prices. Also it has high rates of successful treatments. Plus it uses Natural Herbs. Well I should say I was convinced. My Husband gave it a try and now we can say it was the best decision in our lives. We were trying for so long to have a child and suddenly it all looked so simple. The doctors and staff were so confident and hopeful they projected those feelings on me too. I am so happy to be a mother and eternally thankful to Dr Itua and Lori My Dear Friend. Don’t be afraid and just do it! Try Dr itua herbal medicine today and sees different in every situation.Dr Itua Contact Info...Whatsapp+2348149277967/drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com Dr Itua have cure for the following diseases.All types of cancer,Liver/Kidney inflammatory,Fibroid,Infertility.Herpes Virus Hiv/Aids, ALS, Parkinson, Hepatitis,Diabetes..
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