I did 4 yesterday with some brief intervals and hills thrown in for sadistic pleasure. I'm looking at either Kiawah marathon in December or Atlanta in Nov. I'm pretty sure I want to do Boston again this April. There is nothing quite like this race. The energy, the tradition, the crowds is like nothing else I have ever experienced. As slow as I am I can never make the qualifying time for my age, but I get in through the back door as a clinical advisor to the American Running and Fitness Association. They have a conference for the race and since I am a clinical advisor, I can get an entry number, much like the charity runners. It is an amazing opportunity that is hard to pass up. I hope to take the kids again (did that in 2005) and they had a wonderful time. It is a great time to enjoy family and also hopefully teach them that running is actually fun and not punishment. A concept that is lost on my 14 year old! Given my training I think I can handle a Fall and Spring race if I don't push it too hard and keep a steady base.
Run Long.
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