The book,Fat Proof Your Family, is officially released and it is off and running. My prayer is that it will motivate and encourage folks to teach themselves and their children to adopt a healthy lifestyle. What greater legacy to leave your kids than the hope for a better present and future through the pursuit of wellness. God has given parents a mandate to "train up your children in the way they should go" and it all begins with making good health a priority. Fat Proof provides the game plan, but you have to get on the field to play.
I just got back from the International Christian Retail Convention and had a great response to the book. People intrinsically know that helping the family get fit is a great thing, and they are responding to the simple, fun, and sustainable suggestions in Fat Proof. I did an hour interview on Janet Parshall's America radio program yesterday, and the listener questions illustrated the incredible need for this information in a Christian context. Tell your friends, buy a copy for your pets, let's do whatever it takes to stem the tide of poor health choices in the country today!
Oh yea, I did 6 the other day in downtown Atlanta during the noon hour. Can you say...dumb! Between the traffic, heat, and lack of directions I seriously wondered if I had crossed over the line between committed and obsessed! I hope to get a long run in this weekend before the rain. I've got to de-flea my treadmill room (a story for another day) before I do a long one indoors, or I may be "et up" by a pack of marauding attack fleas!
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