I did 13.85 this morning in a driving rain. It reinforced why I like treadmill running! Actually, it was kind of fun as it was early and there was no one around to make fun of me. I signed up for the Phidippidations World Wide half marathon today. I mentioned this in a previous post, but if you forgot go to www.worldwidehalf.com and check it out. It is a cool way to train and run a half...right where you live! and its Free! I am contemplating doing the Las Vegas marathon in December. If any of the three readers of this blog have ever done this race, let me know your thoughts. My wife may do the half, so it would be a fun weekend. Okay I realize some of you may be having a hard time figuring out why this would be considered fun, if so, I lovingly refer you to my website, www.fatproofyourfamily.com for the answer! When I am not getting waterlogged I am reading Ravi Zacharias' new book, Grand Weaver. It's a great reminder that God is in control and the things tha go on in our lives have meaning. It is especially good for those folks struggling with issues like...Why did this happen to me? and Where is the purpose in all this? My randomly unexplainable mind just thought of another web site I wanted to tell you about (nice transition!). Check out www.runtheplanet.com. A wealth of running info,training tips and just groovy stuff. I bet you never thought you would read something that had both Ravi Zacharias and groovy in it at the same time!
Run Long.
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