running log

I did 18 this Saturday and felt pretty strong. I have been having a bit of trouble with mild plantar fascitis (foot pain) and have been concerned that this would limit my preparations for Las Vegas. I started doing the regular stuff, icing after runs, stretches, using a Strassborg sock (a special sock that keeps the foot extended at night). Also I began using some powerful omega 3 antioxidants in the form of mussel oil concentrate (the brand name is omega XL) I am somewhat skeptical of many of the claims of herbal and vitamin therapy, but the studies on omega 3 and inflammation are quite convincing. Anyway, I did the long run Saturday and have had minimal foot pain since. Honestly I don't know if it is the omega 3 or the other things...or a combination of all (what I suspect) but for those having any similar problems, maybe a regimen of omega 3 antioxidants along with the mechanical stuff will ease any discomfort you have.
Run Long