The great news about weekends is not only can I escape the office, but I get to do long runs! I know to some that sounds more like punishment, but fellow runners understand the joy that comes from totally exhausting oneself physically (it actually helps revive my mental exhaustion from the week). This morning I did 15 and I felt like I could keep going. Now that is a good feeling. I'm not sure I will feel the same tomorrow, but if I do, it is a good sign that I am getting more prepared for my next marathon. I have also developed a healthy addiction to past seasons of the TV show "Lost". Those who know me understand and accept that I am somewhat of a TV snob. I have a habit of turning my nose up at most TV shows (and rightly so I may add!) but I have a feeling this has left me out of some good shows also. I rented the first season of Lost to watch while I was on the treadmill (on the advice of my twelve year old) and I have become engrossed. It is really entertaining, and makes the miles go by quickly. I am now in the second season and loving it. I have yet to see it when it is actually on TV, but that is why God made DVDs. Anyway, it is fun to lose myself in Lost (cute, huh) and anything that helps me get the mileage in can't be all bad.
Run Long.
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