Running log

I did my first 10K in about 5 years this morning. Focusing on the marathon for the last several years has been a blast, but I realized today that keeping tuned with 5 and 10 K races is a great tool. We don't have many in my area, so I don't have to worry about them interfering with distance training. All I have read; however, speaks to the benefit of racing periodically in shorter distances to stay fresh and use them as speed workouts. I ran this one in 50.14 or about an 8 minute pace. That is about a minute and a half to two minutes faster than marathon pace, so it was a good workout. It is amazing how your body adapts to different stresses. My legs felt strong throughout, but breathing became an issue as I felt I was never quite on a comfortable rhythm. In retrospect though, that is what a speed workout should be. If you are comfortable and not hurting, you not going fast enough. There is a 5K coming up next month and I will be interested to see what I can do there.
Run Long...and Go Vols, beat Florida!