You don’t conquer the marathon, you survive it! I am writing this on the way back from the inaugural
The marathon has been used a metaphor for many things, and rightly so. It has elements that pervade various endeavors, discipline, persistence, training, and obsession. But I found myself thinking of how it illustrated how we approach the health and welfare of our families. First, like the marathon, wellness is a long tem endeavor. We live in a society that cherishes the quick and easy. People are rewarded for figuring out short cuts, minimizing effort, and simplifying complex tasks. Certainly, some of those approaches do a lot for improving our lives. I will forever be indebted to the fine person who invented digital cameras, as I can now immediately eliminate the hundreds of pictures of the wall, floor, and heads cut off, that I once paid Eckerd’s thousands to develop for me. There is something painfully frustrating about paying twenty dollars for 25 photographs of the back of a lens cap. Anyway, when it comes to your family’s health, there are no short cuts. Face it, accept it, practice it! If you and your family are to be fit and healthy, you must realize that you are in it for the long haul. For example, diets are horrible because they imply that they are only temporary. What you need is a permanent change in lifestyle, not some temporary fix me up, that really won’t accomplish anything anyway. Think long term when considering any family health related issue. Whether it is eating or exercise or regular checkups, know that, God willing, you are going to be on this planet around 80 years, and what you do now affects the quality of those years towards the end.
The marathon is a daunting task if you look at it whole. Even today if I think of going out and running 26.2 miles, I get intimidated. But if I think of it as just about four six mile courses, it becomes much less intimidating psychologically. Likewise, if you approach health changes in your family and think of the task as being too immense, the key is to break it down into smaller, more manageable segments. For example, don’t take on a new exercise regimen and also quit smoking. Get rid of the cancer sticks first; reward yourself, and then move on to a walking program. Teach your children that small steps will eventually get you to the finish line. A young child may revolt if you radically change their after-school snacks, but a slow subtle change from Twinkies to fruit slices will be more tolerable. Before I ran my first marathon ten years ago, the farthest I had run at any one time was 4 miles, but a slow steady buildup over time allowed me to run the
No one runs and survives a marathon without two key characteristics, persistence and discipline. There comes a point in every race where the head takes over for the legs and you have to decide that you are going to finish in spite of the pain. So, I believe, no one can achieve family fitness and health without a degree of “stick-to-it-tiveness” and commitment. There will be times that the necessary choices will be painful, but you have to stick to your principles and persist. If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for your children. You are the greatest teacher your kids will ever have. Lead by example. This changes your motivation. Seeing health and wellness from a family perspective changes “me” thinking to “we” thinking, and that can have powerful effects on your motivation. Nothing will substitute for committing to a goal and deciding that achieving that goal is non-negotiable. Leaving your children a legacy of good health is one of the greatest gifts you can give.
Indeed, the marathon is a metaphor for many things, and I find its most compelling comparison to a family’s health. Now if I can just spend the next three weeks in my whirlpool bathtub, I will feel human again!
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